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Tips for Preparing for a Child Custody Hearing

 Posted on August 10, 2018 in Family Law

IL divorce lawyerA child custody hearing is one of the most crucial aspects of a divorce. If you are facing a child custody hearing, it is important to prepare properly so that you can increase your chances of securing a favorable outcome for you and your child. These five tips can help you prepare for a child custody hearing and protect your rights.

1. Collect and Organize Documents

There are a number of documents that are typically presented at a child custody hearing. Take the time to gather any documents like phone logs and report cards that support your position regarding child custody. Once you have gathered them, organize the documentation in a logical order that you can easily present it to the judge during the hearing.

2. Compile a Witness List

It is important to compile a list of dependable witnesses that you trust. Your list may include individuals such as your child’s teacher, coach, or anyone else that knows your child on a personal level. Your list should also include the contact information of each witness.

3. Refrain From Lying

Although it is easier said than done, telling the truth in court is essential. If you have received a speeding ticket while you were driving your child to swimming lessons, admit it. Remember that if you lie and are contradicted down the road by a witness, the judge will not view you in a positive light.

4. Demonstrate Empathy for Your Children

Keep in mind that the purpose of a child custody hearing is to determine what is the ideal arrangement for your child. Make it clear that your child’s life is your top priority and you want to do whatever is best for them.

5. Be Honest with Your Attorney

A divorce attorney can help you prepare for a child custody hearing. However, they may only help you if you are honest with them. If you have ever made any parenting mistakes, it is important to reveal them.

By being truthful with your attorney, you can give them the chance to be well prepared for your hearing. Lying may hinder your case and reduce your chances of achieving the custody arrangement you desire.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

If you are a parent and filing for divorce, you should reach out to our highly skilled DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We are here to help you prepare for your child custody hearing and answer any questions you may have.



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