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Tips for Winning a Child Custody Battle

 Posted on July 20, 2018 in Family Law

IL divorce attorneyDivorces are stressful, especially when children are involved. If you are a parent going through a divorce, you may desire custody of your child and have a spouse that you believe is unfit for child care. Fortunately, there are certain tips that can help you win a child custody battle and protect the best interests of your child. These tips include:

1. Remain Calm

Although it is easier said than done, remaining calm in court is crucial. A judge is more likely to award child custody to a parent who is collected and open to communicating about their child’s upbringing. By remaining calm and communicating effectively with your spouse, you can improve your chances of winning.

2. Bring Documentation

If you believe your spouse is unsuited to care for your child, you need evidence to prove your claim. Bring as much documentation as you can to serve as evidence. You can keep a log of every time your spouse forgets to pick your child up or yells at them. Be sure to also jot down whenever your child feels angry or upset after spending time with your spouse.

3. Care for Yourself

Your mental health will be taken into consideration during your child custody dispute. Therefore, you should make it a top priority to take care of yourself, even if you are stressed out by your divorce and everyday responsibilities. Emotional outbursts can make you look mentally unstable and negatively impact your case.

3. Act Appropriately in Court

It is important to arrive to court on time, dress appropriately, and be respectful to the judge. Strolling in late in ripped jeans and yelling at the judge will not help your case.

4. Hire an Experienced Divorce Attorney

It can be difficult to win child custody without experienced legal representation by your side. An attorney can prepare you for court and fight on your behalf to ensure the final outcome is right for you and your family. When you are searching for a divorce attorney, be sure to find one that is well-versed in child custody law and has a substantial amount of experience with this type of case.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

If you are a parent and filing for divorce, you should reach out to our highly skilled DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We know how challenging child custody disputes can be and are here to help you achieve the best possible outcome.



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