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Tips for a Successful Divorce Mediation

 Posted on April 14, 2016 in Family Law

DuPage County divorce mediation lawyersDivorce is never an easy process, but mediation can sometimes help couples reach an agreement faster, and with less stress. Of course, it might not be for everyone – particularly those that have a history of domestic violence or simply cannot be in the same room together – but for those that choose to pursue it, some information about the divorce mediation process, and about how to successfully reach an agreement, can be helpful.

About the Mediation Process

Mediation is most beneficial for couples who are willing to at least attempt to communicate about the particulars of their divorce in an effort to reach an amicable agreement. All aspects of the divorce may be mediated, including the division of debts and assets, child-related issues, and spousal or child support. This can be a particularly effective method for those who have uncomplicated divorces, or for those that already have at least some common ground or, at the very least, agree that the needs of their child should come first. But even still, there are strategies that each party should employ during the mediation process.

Making the Mediation Process Successful

The first step is to prepare yourself emotionally; although you are using a neutral party and you may be willing to communicate to reach common ground, emotions will almost certainly resurface when you are forced to sit in a room with your soon-to-be ex. Add in the extra stress of a shifting life and of the divorce itself and things can get out of hand fairly quickly. Be prepared for that surge of emotions and, if at all possible, see a therapist beforehand to help you deal with anger, resentment, sadness, guilt, or anxiety that you are likely to feel during the process.

Always walk into a mediation knowing your assets, debts, and what it is you are expecting. Gather any and all relevant data, including copies of bank statements, tax returns, investment portfolios, insurance policies, and non-documented assets (jewelry, art, etc.). Know what your projected expenses will be once the divorce is finalized, and know if (and how much) help you might need to find your bearings in the months to follow. Also have an idea of what you want parenting time and other child-related matters to look in the years to come.

You will also want to choose your mediator carefully. While they are supposed to be impartial, they are still human and, as such, still have biases and opinions that can affect how your mediation process goes. It may help to attend consultations or interviews with several to help you find the one that is the best fit for your needs. It is also best to ensure you have legal counsel to represent you during mediation to ensure your rights and interest are protected throughout the process.

Our DuPage County Attorneys Can Help

For more than 40 years, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have been helping clients achieve practical and creative divorce solutions that fit their specific needs. Recognized by our peers and the courts for our commitment to protecting the interest of our clients, we offer skilled and experienced guidance during negotiations, mediations, collaborations, arbitrations, and litigations. Call our offices at 630-932-9100 and schedule your free initial consultation with a Lombard divorce mediation attorney today.

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