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Tips to Help an Immigrant Relative Adjust to Life in the United States

 Posted on May 05, 2020 in Immigration

IL immigration lawyerEven if you are a citizen of the United States, you may have relatives who are not. Whether you were born here or immigrated to this country later in life, you can help other relatives become lawful permanent residents (LPR) by obtaining a Green Card. In order to do so legally, you need to sponsor your family member and be able to prove that you have an adequate income or assets to support him or her upon entrance to the United States. Once your relative arrives, it may take some time for him or her to acclimate to the new culture. Your community may have resources that are dedicated to refugees, immigrants, and international visitors to ease the transition.

U.S. Immigration Law

The law gives special consideration to immediate relatives of a U.S. citizen, which means there is no waiting list to immigrate these relatives. Immediate family members include:

  • Spouse
  • Unmarried children under 21 years of age
  • Parents

Resources for Immigrants

Moving to the United States from a different country can be a major lifestyle change. In many cases, it requires a significant period of adjustment for the foreigner. In addition, many immigrants come to this country after experiencing trauma or persecution in their native land, such as war and other forms of violence. Navigating two cultures and figuring out how best to fit in can present its fair share of difficulties, especially between generations. Immigrants can also be targets of discrimination when they arrive here. Learning to cope with these challenges can be difficult, but there are resources available.

Here are a few activities that can help your immigrant relative adjust to life in the United States:

  • Try the local cuisine.
  • Familiarize himself or herself with American media.
  • Practice the language by talking to other relatives, neighbors, friends.
  • Keep an open mind.
  • Explore the area and try new things.

Some local community programs provide the opportunity to learn English, use public transportation, receive affordable and healthy food, and more. Private tutors may be able to teach the language, and in some cases, they can also explain cultural differences.

Contact an Illinois Immigration Attorney

Immigrating to the United States is a dream for many people all over the world. In some cases, their family members might already be in this country. If you or your loved one is starting the immigration process, it is essential that you have professional legal guidance so you understand your rights. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we acknowledge the complex nature of U.S. immigration law. Our skilled and compassionate Illinois immigration lawyers are committed to providing immigrants the legal representation they need and deserve. Call us today at 630-932-9100 to schedule your free consultation.





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