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4 Tips to Help Prevent an Illinois Truck Accident

 Posted on June 20, 2019 in Personal Injury

Illinois truck accident lawyer

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there are more large trucks and buses on the road in the United States than ever before. In 2017, more than 13.2 million large trucks and buses were registered in the country. While this is indicative of the growth of commerce in the country, it has also contributed to the rise in the number of truck accidents. The FMCSA estimated that there were more than 4,400 fatal traffic accidents involving large trucks and approximately 116,000 injury-only accidents with trucks in 2016. Because of the large size of trucks, accidents are often very serious, and other vehicles and their occupants usually sustain the worst injuries. Fortunately, there are certain precautions that can be taken to prevent truck accidents in Illinois:

  1. Avoid a Truck’s Blind Spots

A general rule of thumb to remembers is the larger the vehicle, the bigger the blind spots. Large trucks and buses tend to have very large blind spots, which can be dangerous for other drivers. Trucks typically have blind spots on all four sides of the vehicle, with the largest being on the right side and behind the truck. Drivers should try to avoid these blind spots to ensure that they can be seen by truck drivers. However, truck drivers should also be aware of these blind spots and take extra care to remain aware of other vehicles around them.

  1. Practice Safe Passing Techniques

Too many people cause accidents because of improper passing techniques when it comes to passing large trucks. Drivers should make sure to use turn signals within plenty of time before changing lanes to ensure that truck drivers know what to expect. Before pulling in front of the truck, a driver should make sure they can see the truck in their rearview mirror. To be safe, drivers should allow for extra room between their vehicle and the truck. Drivers who do not pass trucks safely can endanger themselves all other vehicles on the road around them.

  1. Anticipate Wide Turns

Because of the large size of trucks, they make wide turns. Large trucks typically need a turning radius of at least 55 feet, which is much larger than normal vehicles. Especially with right turns, trucks may swing out into the other lane or even start the turn from the middle lane rather than the right lane. Drivers should give trucks plenty of space to turn and never try to squeeze between the truck and the curb, and truckers should take care to ensure that they are turning safely.

  1. Have Patience

Another thing to remember is that trucks take much longer to accelerate and slow down than normal vehicles. Some trucks even use digital devices like speed limiters, which prevent trucks from going above a certain speed. Even if a driver is in a rush, they should remember that a truck driver is not being slow on purpose; he or she may not have a choice. A driver who follows a truck too closely or drives aggressively around a truck may cause a truck accident that harms those in other vehicles.

Contact a DuPage County Personal Injury Lawyer

Even drivers who follow these tips may still be involved in an accident with a truck because of a number of factors, such as speed, weather conditions, and more. If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, our team of knowledgeable Lombard, IL truck accident attorneys will review the details of your accident, determine who was at fault, and help you seek the compensation you deserve. Our office operates on a contingency basis for personal injury cases, meaning you do not pay us until you win. Call our office today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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