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Tips to Help Your Teen Cope with Divorce

 Posted on May 17, 2018 in Family Law

 Illinois divorce lawyerDivorce is difficult for children of all ages. However, it is particularly challenging for teenagers who are facing peer pressure and balancing school, extracurricular activities, college applications, and a social life.

If you do not help your teen cope with divorce, you may notice poor grades, sleeping issues, increased stress, depression, substance abuse, and behavioral problems. By following these tips, you can make divorce easier for your teen and ensure it does not harm their current life and future:

1. Encourage Your Child to Stay Busy

When your child is busy and involved in academic and social activities, they will be able to take their mind off of the divorce and focus on their own life. Encourage your child to stay busy and help them fill their calendar with fun and meaningful hobbies, activities, and events.

2. Seek Professional Help

If you notice the divorce has taken a serious toll your teen’s life, it may be a good idea to seek professional help. A therapist can be an invaluable resource for your teen and provide them with an avenue to vent and advice on how to deal with their feelings and emotions.

3. Do not Overshare

Often times, parents make the mistake of sharing too many details about their divorce with their teen. This can make the divorce more difficult for your teen to accept and cause them to grow up too quickly.

4. Talk to Your Teen About the Future

The majority of teens worry that their parents’ divorce may affect their future relationships and hinder their college and future plans. Be sure to talk to your teen about their future in a positive light and reassure them that you and their other parent will work together to make sure they are well cared for and receive what they need for a healthy, happy future.

5. Do Not Badmouth the Other Parent

It can be tempting to badmouth your child’s other parent. Doing so, however, can make your teen feel uncomfortable and obligated to choose a side. Keep any negative thoughts about your ex to yourself and do not vent to your teen about their other parent.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

For further details on how to make life easier for your teen after divorce, you should contact our experienced DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We can provide you with additional strategies that can improve your teen’s quality of life.



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