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Tips to Keep You Safe on Illinois Roads in the Spring

 Posted on April 15, 2019 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerIt is that time of year again -- spring has arrived. March and April can be odd months because it can be winter one day, snowing 6 inches overnight, and then the next day it will be 50 degrees and sunny. While this kind of weather is a nice preview of what is to come during the summer months, it can make for dangerous driving conditions. Months of winter snow cause potholes to form and the constant melting of ice during the day and freezing temperatures overnight make for slippery roads. Here are a few tips to help you keep yourself and your family safe while on the roads:

Watch Out for Potholes

Roads take a beating throughout the winter. With snow, ice, salt and then water, it is no wonder that roads are riddled with potholes come spring. During this time of year, construction crews probably have not gotten a chance to fix these potholes yet, which means you need to be very aware of them. Not only can driving over one cause damage to your vehicle, swerving to miss a pothole can cause accidents with other drivers.

Be Weary of Changing Weather

Late winter and early spring are notorious for their crazy and unpredictable weather. It will be sunny for a week and then it is back to snowstorms. This can make for dangerous driving conditions, such as slick roads, black ice, freezing rain, and high winds. Take it easy during inclement weather -- increase your following speed and make sure you allow yourself enough time to react if you need to.

Check Your Vehicle’s Condition

Proper vehicle maintenance can go a long way. After a cold, harsh winter, check your vehicle over and make sure everything is in good working order. Check your tires to make sure there are no holes, the air pressure is good and you still have a decent amount of tread left. Check that your brakes are functioning properly, your windshield wipers are clearing the windshield and you have a decent amount of oil and windshield wiper fluid.

Have You Been Injured in an Illinois Car Accident? A DuPage County Car Accident Attorney Can Help

Following these tips can help make sure you are doing your part to prevent a car accident, but that does not always mean that other people are thinking the same way. You could follow all of these tips and still end up in a car accident due to the carelessness of another driver. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car accident, you need to contact a skilled Lombard, IL car accident lawyer. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we can help you fight to recover rightful compensation for your injuries. Call our office today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.




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