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Traveling Safely over the Summer Holidays

 Posted on May 23, 2013 in Personal Injury

There are many celebrations going on at this time of year. There are kids graduating from high school and families are getting ready to go on summer vacations. This means that those roads are going to be very busy. Busier can also mean more dangerous unless you prepare yourself for certain hazards. The warm weather makes the perfect time for road construction to begin. Before heading out on your road trip, do some research about areas that are going to be undergoing construction. You can then figure out if it would be best to plan an alternate route, follow the detours, or even plan your trip so that you hit these construction areas during off peak hours. Being prepared to deal with construction areas can help you avoid delay and injury because of a car accident. Studies have shown that fatigued driving is just as bad, if not worse, than driving under the influence. Whether you are driving across a couple of states or across the country, you want to make sure that you are properly rested before getting behind the wheel. You also want to make sure that you remain properly hydrated while traveling. You should stop every couple of hours just to get out of the car and to stretch your legs. This will help you stay awake and coherent. If you are feeling sleepy, let someone else take the wheel for a bit, or if traveling alone, go ahead and stop for a rest. Whether you are taking a trip or just enjoying the great weather locally, be responsible behind the wheel. There are going to be plenty of picnics and gatherings to attend; many of which will have plenty of alcohol available. If you are going to partake, do so responsibly. If you fall victim to an irresponsible driver, your Illinois car accident attorney can assist you.
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