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Truck Accident Prevention 101: How Can I Stay Safe When Driving Near a Large Truck?

 Posted on October 20, 2017 in Personal Injury

DuPage County trucking accident lawyer, truck safety violations, Illinois truck accident, truck accident prevention, truck crashWhen you are on a major highway like I-290 or I-88, it can be an anxiety-inducing experience to drive around and between numerous semi-trucks while worrying about truck accidents. Given that these highways are part of key routes for many shippers, there are often 18-wheelers moving through DuPage County.

It is stressful to wonder whether you are safe to pass a large truck, or whether you are in its blind spot. Moreover, you may even panic when you see that a trucker is attempting to change lanes, and it does not seem as if there is sufficient space to do so.

Therefore, if you drive a smaller automobile, what do you need to know in order to stay safe driving near large trucks on the highway?

Thinking Like a Truck Driver Can Help to Avoid Crashes

According to a recent article in Edmunds, it can be difficult to really understand how to drive around large trucks until you have been trained as a semi-truck driver yourself. While most of us will not be seeking out a commercial driver’s license anytime soon, at the very least, it is helpful to understand the highway from the perspective of a truck driver.

With more than two million 18-wheelers on the highways in America, it is important to think about trucking safety and how both passenger vehicles and large trucks can share the road. Consider the following tips that can help you to see from a truck driver’s perspective in order to share the road effectively and to prevent trucking accidents in and around DuPage County:

  • Ensure that trucks have enough space to stop: When fully loaded, large trucks weigh approximately 80,000 pounds. As such, they need about 550 feet or “the equivalent of about 24 Honda Accords” to come to a complete stop when traveling at a speed of 55 miles per hour. You want to be sure that there is enough space behind you and in front of you when you are driving near a large truck.

  • Avoid “grillegating”: This is a practice where cars pass trucks and then drive in front of them at the same speed. While it can be frustrating to get stuck behind a truck, it can be difficult, if not impossible, for a truck to avoid crashing into you in the event of an emergency stop when there is not enough space between your car and the truck.

  • Do not “hang out” next to a large truck on the highway: When you camp out beside a semi-truck, you risk being in the blind spot of the truck driver. It is best to pass a truck safely and then to keep moving.

  • Understand how underride accidents happen: When a car runs underneath the back or side of a large truck, the crashes often are fatal for the passengers in the car. What can you do to prevent these collisions? Know that most underride crashes happen at night or in bright daylight when it is difficult for a driver to see trailers on semis. Always be aware of the vehicles around you.

  • Pass a truck on your left: Truck drivers simply have better awareness on the left, and as such, it is important to pass on this side.

Seek Advice from a Trucking Accident Lawyer in DuPage County

If you or someone you love sustained serious injuries in a truck crash, a passionate DuPage County trucking accident lawyer may be able to help. Contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices to learn more about our services.



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