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Truck Driver Arrested on Fourth DUI Charge Following Accident

 Posted on March 20, 2014 in Personal Injury

Many lawsuits arising from car accidents involve driver negligence. In some cases, proving driver negligence may be difficult, but cases involving intoxicated drivers usually speak for themselves. If a driver is arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), they will face criminal charges. However, if they caused an accident involving another party when driving while intoxicated, they could suffer civil penalties as well.

Fourth DUI Arrest According to a recently published news article, a truck driver for Manito Township was recently arrested for DUI for the fourth time, the last two incidents occurring within one month of one another. Following his DUI arrest in December when he was found to be operating a vehicle while his blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit, the truck driver was again arrested in January for DUI. Although he was legally operating the township truck at the time of his arrest, his blood alcohol content was found to be three times the legal limit. These latest arrests resulted in felony charges for which the driver could face up to seven years of incarceration. The Accident The driver's last arrest in January involved an accident in which he rear-ended a semi-truck that had slowed down before a bridge in Manito over the Mackinaw River. The driver was working at the time and had permission to be operating the township truck he was driving. Although the township driver was injured in the accident, it is unclear whether the driver of the semi-truck who was rear ended suffered any injuries requiring medical attention. When the township driver's blood was taken at the hospital for medical purposes, the result revealed an alcohol content of .288, which is more than three times the limit of .08, the legal limit according to Illinois state law. Questions Arising from the Incident It remains to be seen whether any civil legal action will be taken against the township or the driver personally as a result of his recent DUI arrests. Considering the driver's past DUI convictions in 1998 and 2000, one may wonder why he was employed in his position within the township in the first place. Although the article mentioned he was legally driving at the time of the accident in January that resulted in his fourth overall arrest for DUI, he was absolutely not permitted to be operating the township vehicle while intoxicated. Perhaps there is an issue to be raised that even if he was legally allowed to be driving the township truck in January, was it prudent to allow him to do so in light of his history with DUI charges? Since the accident occurred while he was acting in the regular course of his employment, it could bring up potential liability issues for not only the driver, but for the township as well as his employer. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident with another person who was driving under the influence in Illinois, you may have a case against them. The experienced accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can advise you of your rights. We have offices in Lombard, Bloomingdale and Naperville. Contact us today for a consultation.
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