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Truck Driver Offers Tips for Sharing the Road Safely

 Posted on March 11, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County truck accident attorney, truck driver tipsOn average, nearly 4,000 people die in a semi-truck accident every year and more than 100,000 are injured—nearly 11 truck accidents each and every day. The American Trucking Association, an advocacy group for the United States trucking industry, says that about 75 percent of those accidents are inadvertently and unintentionally caused by the other driver. To improve safety and build awareness, one truck driver recently shared some safety tips with The Arizona Republic.

Understand That Semi Trucks are Different

Unlike cars, SUVs, pickup trucks, and semis are running loads that weigh hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of pounds. That weight drastically increases their stopping time—more than 360 feet (about the size of a football field) in perfect conditions, and more when the roads are wet or slick. Their sheer size only further complicates matters, making some roads extremely difficult to navigate, turns wide, and the changing of lanes or parking tricky, at best. They need more room, more time, and a lot of patience from other drivers.

Follow the Top Semi Safety Rules Every Time

Whether you are encountering a semi on the highway, a residential street, or in a rural setting, you should always follow the five top safety rules, including the following:

  • Never cut in front of a semi (this includes stopping or slowing once you are around them);
  • Do not ride in their blind spots (immediately in front of, behind, and along both sides—particularly the right);
  • Always give a truck the space it needs, particularly when lanes or roads are narrow;
  • Pay attention to the driver’s signal and always assume that there is a reason he or she is trying to change lanes;
  • Be patient and remain calm. It is better to arrive at your destination late than not to arrive at all; and
  • Never tailgate. Semis often kick up debris or straddle over it, therefore making it impossible for you to see it or maneuver out of the way.

Involved in a Semi Truck Accident? Seek Experienced Legal Counsel

Even if you follow all the safety tips, there is still a chance for an accident. Other drivers may be at fault and you are simply caught in the crossfire. The truck driver may make a miscalculation, be fatigued or intoxicated, or fail to follow industry rules. The possibilities are endless, really, and the results are often catastrophic. Compensation to cover medical expenses, property damage, time lost from work, pain and suffering, and/or wrongful death may be due.

Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices takes on even the most difficult of cases and uses their investigative skills and resources to help victims pursue full and fair compensation. As compassionate advocates, they provide both aggressive representation and protection of your rights while guiding you and your loved ones through the process, every step of the way. Start the claim process by scheduling a free initial consultation with an experienced DuPage County truck accident attorney. Call 630-932-9100 today.




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