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Trucking Accidents – The Cost of Doing Business or Just a Bunch of Excuses?

 Posted on October 24, 2016 in Personal Injury

trucking accidents, DuPage County trucking accident lawyersEach year, approximately 4,000 people are killed in trucking accidents and another 100,000 are injured. That is approximately 11 deaths and 284 injuries per day. The only thing more concerning is how the numbers are rising, causing more and more deaths and injuries, each and every year. Yet there has not been a national outcry, and very few people are even discussing what is really happening here. It is time for that to change. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a trucking accident, learn how you can fight back and maybe even help make the roads safer for others.

Cost of Doing Business? We Think Not

Safety advocates have been pushing for tighter regulations for some time now, but trucking companies have been bucking them every step of the way. True, it is an industry where turnover rates are high. The pay is not great, especially when you consider the hours and extended tie away from family. Yet none of this really serves as an excuse for poor regulation, for keeping drivers behind the wheel that have racked up multiple infractions, or for trying to go around the system when the company itself is shut down for violations. The accidents are not the cost of doing business; they are the result of a too-loose system for an industry capable of doing tremendous damage.

Fighting Back for Stricter Regulation of the Trucking Industry

It may seem as though there is little that you, a single person, can do to reduce the frequency of truck crashes. Yet, quite the opposite is true. Your voice can be heard. Talk to your local legislators and ask for tighter regulations. Further, if you or someone you love is injured or wrongfully killed in a trucking accident you can fight back by pursuing the maximum compensation that you deserve. Hold all negligent parties responsible, including the trucking company, warehouse, loading company, driver, and any others that may have contributed to the accident itself. Most of all, ensure you have an experienced advocate by your side, right from the very start.

Our DuPage County Trucking Accident Lawyers Will Fight for You

Trucking accidents are highly complex, with potentially multiple negligent parties. At a time when you are still healing, the last thing you need is to be overwhelmed with legal jargon, the hiring of an investigator, and the risk of a denied or reduced claim. Contact our DuPage County trucking accident lawyers instead. We will fight to help you get the compensation that you deserve. Schedule your consultation with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today to learn more. Call 630-932-9100.



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