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Walkaway Wife Syndrome and How It Could Affect a Divorce

 Posted on November 25, 2024 in Family Law

IL divorce laywerPerhaps you think you and your wife are simply going through a rough patch. It happens, right? Your wife appears to have emotionally withdrawn from you, and no matter what you say or do, you are unable to reach her. Unfortunately, many husbands who also thought they just needed to weather this phase of their marriage are blindsided with divorce papers.

A wife who seems increasingly distant and does not respond to her husband in any way until she suddenly files for divorce is a phenomenon often referred to as "walkaway wife syndrome." This syndrome is more common than you might think. Women are responsible for initiating as many as two-thirds of all divorces in the United States. While the reasons vary, some are tied to this very issue.  

This "walk away" movement seems to be spiking these statistics as women become loath to remain in a relationship in which they do not feel valued. If your wife is absolutely set on divorce, there are things you should know about walkaway wife syndrome. Having a Bloomingdale, IL divorce lawyer from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you understand how to deal with a spouse who seems to wish you would disappear.

What Is Walkaway Wife Syndrome?

Walkaway wife syndrome, though much more common among wives, can also affect husbands. When a wife or husband becomes increasingly disconnected, years of pent-up anger and bitterness often fuel the desire for divorce. This is not a mid-life crisis or a sudden decision made on a whim.  

What Are Some Signs of Walkaway Wife Syndrome?

Perhaps you and your wife are leading busy lives, working, raising children, and just living your life. Maybe you have noticed your wife is not her usual self, but you have not really thought too deeply about it. Marriage is a rollercoaster; you figure you are just in one of the downsides, but it will pass. Ask yourself whether any of these classic signs of a walkaway wife are true in your relationship:

  • There has been a total emotional withdrawal from the marriage.
  • She deliberately keeps a distance between the two of you.
  • She appears to have no interest in your daily life.
  • She is "checked out" when you have a conversation.
  • She goes out of her way to avoid spending time with you.
  • She rejects any attempt at romance or physical intimacy.
  • She actively avoids discussing the situation with you.
  •  She never laughs anymore.
  • You realize that you and your wife are only co-existing.
  •  She may be spending more and more time with friends or on hobbies and seems to want to avoid you whenever possible.

Walkaway wives usually feel that their husbands have consistently deprioritized their needs and often say that their husbands do not "see" them. At its core, most walkaway wives have had a catastrophic breakdown in communication with their husbands. Many men simply do not see the signs until they are served with divorce papers.

How to Handle Divorce from a Walkaway Wife

If you find your marriage is past the point of being salvaged, it is time to speak to an experienced family law attorney who can help you navigate legal issues and disputes. If your wife has totally checked out, she may not seem to care how marital assets are split or whether she receives spousal support (if warranted).

Though it may be difficult for you, you must ensure that the divorce outcome is fair to both of you. On the other hand, she may have so much anger built up inside that she goes in the opposite direction and wants to argue about everything. Let your lawyer handle the details whenever possible if this is the case.  

Contact a DuPage County, IL Divorce Lawyer

It is important to have a Naperville, IL divorce lawyer from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices who can present your options, assist in decision-making, and provide sound legal advice. We are a large law firm with over 175 years of combined experience offering our clients highly personalized services. Contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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