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Were You Injured in a Boating Accident This Summer? Take Action Now

 Posted on September 29, 2022 in Personal Injury

Lombard boating accident lawyerEvery year, hundreds of people die and many thousands more are injured in boating accidents. Although one of the best parts of living in Illinois is the easy access to Lake Michigan, summer boating accidents are common and frequently underreported. One major reason for not reporting a boating accident - even one involving serious injuries - is that everyone on a boat is frequently under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A group of friends may not want to put one another at risk of facing legal repercussions for irresponsible behavior and so agree to keep quiet about an accident that caused someone serious injury.

For the injured party, unfortunately, this usually means they are left dealing with the consequences of a boating accident on their own. This can mean expensive medical bills, missing time at work, ongoing physical therapy, and emotional trauma from the accident. These expenses may mount up to the point where the victim needs help and is no longer willing to stay silent. If this sounds familiar to you, know that you do not have to go through this alone. You may have legal options.

What Should I Do If I Was Hurt in a Lake Michigan Boating Accident?

Although thousands of boating accidents happen every year, the vast majority are attributable to just a few causes. These include:

  • Distracted operating - Especially when a boat is moving, the operator is responsible for ensuring it does not strike any people, stationary objects, or other boats.
  • Inexperienced operating - Most recreational boaters are novices, especially if they are renting a boat for the day with a group of friends. While wide open water may make boating accidents seem unlikely, they do happen, especially when the person operating the boat has little or no experience.
  • Excessive speed - Whether in a car, boat, or any other vehicle, going too fast is often a recipe for disaster.
  • Operating under the influence - Alcohol and drug use are very common on Lake Michigan in the summer. Being under the influence is more likely to lead a boat operator to commit serious errors that cause passengers to get hurt or killed.

If you were hurt in a boat accident over the summer and you are wondering if you can take legal action, there are some things you need to start doing. Because the accident is already in the past, some of the most important options - such as getting a timely police report and having an insurance company immediately involved - may not be available anymore. However, you can still take action.

Write down all the details about the accident that you can remember. Put together a list of witnesses and see if you can get anyone who was present for the accident to write down their account of what happened. Keep careful records of your medical expenses and any time missed from work. An attorney can help you gather further evidence and bring a case against the responsible person.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Naperville, IL Boating Accident Lawyer

If you were seriously injured in a boating injury this summer because of the irresponsible or negligent actions of another person, take action before the window of opportunity closes. The longer you wait to begin gathering evidence, the harder it can be to prove liability. Call the offices of Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today to schedule a free consultation with a Bloomingdale, IL boating accident attorney and find out whether we can help you recover compensation for your injuries. Call 630-932-9100 now.

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