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What Are the Different Types of Immigration Bonds?

 Posted on November 29, 2019 in Immigration

IL immigration lawyerImmigration issues have been in the news over the past few years, specifically tensions at the U.S. - Mexico border. However, there are many aspects to how the immigration process works. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that administers our country’s naturalization and immigration system. The U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is a bureau of the DHS that targets illegal immigrants, particularly those who promote terrorism and other criminal activities. In some cases, foreigners may enter our country illegally without following the proper procedures. When illegal immigrants are detained by ICE, they are given a Notice to Appear (NTA) as part of the deportation/removal process and officials decide whether to set or deny an immigration bond .

What Is an Immigration Bond?

An immigration bond is a type of measure used to secure the release of an individual living unlawfully within the United States from the custody of the DHS. Immigration bonds are used for Green Card holders or undocumented immigrants who are detained by ICE agents and awaiting the results of their case.

Similar to an insurance contract, the bond is what the USCIS requires as a guarantee that someone will attend all of his or her immigration hearings. If an individual misses one hearing, he or she risks being deported without the opportunity to ask a judge for permission to stay in the United States.

Bond amounts differ according to the details of the detainee’s case. The immigration bond must be paid in full before a detainee is released from custody. The detainee is typically allowed to call a family member to notify him or her about the bond.

Who Is Eligible for an Immigration Bond?

An undocumented person who is detained may be eligible for a bond if the immigrant proves that he or she is not a danger to the community and is not a flight risk. A detainee may not be eligible for a bond if he or she has a prior criminal record or if he or she has been deported before. In certain situations, ICE officials may refuse to grant a bond to a detainee who they think is uncooperative by not answering their questions.

An immigration bail “bondsman” will issue one of four types of bonds, depending on the circumstances of the case. The four bonds are also referred to as ICE Form I-352 and are named the following:

  • (G1) Delivery Bond: This is the most common immigration bond. It relies on the delivery of a suspect and makes sure deportation takes place.
  • (G2) Public Safety Bond: This type of bond is for the repayment of fees to the government in cases where the illegal alien may have used public assistance.
  • (G3) Voluntary Departure Bond: This bond is issued to ensure the undocumented immigrant is returned to his/her native country based on the conditions in the court order.
  • (G4) Order of Supervisions Bond: This is an order used to make sure all supervision stipulations are met and the offender surrenders for removal.

Contact an Illinois Immigration Attorney

Immigration is an important topic, since it can change someone’s life. Moving to a different country can provide an individual better opportunities that may not have been available in his or her native country. If you or a loved one wishes to immigrate to the United States, it is imperative to understand the rules and regulations that are involved in the legal process. The knowledgeable Illinois immigration attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help guide you through the intricacies of an immigration bond hearing. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 630-932-9100.

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