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What Are the Reasons That an Immigrant Can Be Detained by ICE Agents?

 Posted on June 19, 2020 in Immigration

IL immigration lawyerThe U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is a federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The agency is responsible for protecting the United States by enforcing border control, customs, trade, and immigration laws for public safety and national security. ICE officials detain those individuals who are considered a “flight risk” and may move to another place within the country or who may be a danger to others. By being detained, the government ensures that the non-citizen will appear before the Immigration Court to plead his or her case. It is crucial that immigrants seek professional legal counsel for guidance on their options.

Grounds for Detention

If a person is detained by ICE officials, it does not mean he or she will automatically be deported. A detainee can plead his or her case to an Immigration Judge, who will make the final decision. There are several grounds that an immigrant can be detained, including:

  • Committed a crime or multiple crimes
  • Arrived at the border without a visa before officially applying for refugee or asylum status
  • Has a pending or past due deportation order on record
  • Missed prior immigration hearing dates

Immigration Bonds

After being detained, a non-citizen can seek to be released on a bond. In situations where detention is based on a criminal conviction, an individual may not be eligible to receive a bond. The two types of immigration bonds available to immigrants detained by ICE are:

  • Delivery Bond: This type of bond ensures that a detainee will actually appear at his or her scheduled immigration hearings. In addition, this bond allows the immigrant to consult with an attorney and spend time with his or her family prior to the hearing.
  • Voluntary Departure Bond: With this bond, an immigrant agrees to depart the United States at his or her own expense and within a certain time period.

It is important to note that immigration bonds are only issued to those who meet the requirements. Defendants who are denied bail will not have the option of receiving a bail bond.

Contact an Illinois Immigration Lawyer

The immigration process in the United States is safeguarded by several federal laws that are meant to keep the country secure. Because of this, the legal steps to become a U.S. citizen can often be complex. It is important to follow the rules and regulations if you hope to enter the United States lawfully. A knowledgeable Illinois immigration attorney can assist you if you or your loved one is being detained by ICE agents or is facing deportation for any reason. Call the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today at 630-932-9100 to schedule your free consultation.



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