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What Causes Pedestrian Accidents in Illinois?

 Posted on February 08, 2021 in Personal Injury

Lombard personal injury attorneysAccording to the most recent data from the Illinois Department of Transportation, pedestrians are involved in less than 2 percent of all motor vehicle accidents, but more than 16 percent of all fatal accidents. In total, more than 150 pedestrians were killed and more than 4,500 were injured in Illinois in 2018. It is important to understand the causes of these accidents, both to try to reduce their number and so that victims know when they have a case for compensation due to a driver’s negligence.

Contributors to Pedestrian Accidents and Injuries

Pedestrian accidents can happen for many reasons, but certain factors are especially prominent both in Illinois and throughout the U.S. Some of these include:

  • Environmental factors - In Illinois, the majority of pedestrian accidents resulting in injuries or fatalities occur in urban areas. Pedestrian injury crashes are fairly evenly split between day and night hours, but fatal pedestrian accidents are much more likely to happen at night, when there is less visibility.
  • Alcohol impairment - More than 40 percent of the pedestrians who died in Illinois in 2018 were found to have some amount of alcohol in their system at the time of the accident. Drunk drivers are also a frequent cause of serious accidents involving pedestrians.
  • Distractions - Distraction on the part of both drivers and pedestrians is another common feature of these accidents. Often, this involves looking at a cell phone or listening to music while driving or walking near the road.
  • Traffic law violations - Pedestrians who attempt to cross the street without a crosswalk or walk sign put themselves at risk, and drivers who speed or fail to yield to pedestrians at a crosswalk or intersection can often cause a crash.

Protecting Illinois Pedestrians

Pedestrians can take steps to protect themselves from accidents when they are aware of the common causes. For example, they can avoid walking near the road after drinking alcohol, or using their cell phone while walking in a high-traffic area. They can also make themselves more visible at night with lights and reflective clothing, and make sure that they cross the road in clearly marked areas. That said, drivers bear an important responsibility to avoid behavior that puts pedestrians at risk, and when an accident happens because of a driver’s negligence, an injured pedestrian has the right to pursue compensation.

Contact a DuPage County Car Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, the attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you collect evidence of the driver’s negligence to hold them accountable for your medical expenses and other damages. We strive to give you the best chance of achieving full compensation. Contact an experienced Lombard personal injury lawyer today at 630-932-9100 for a free consultation.

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