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What is a Bird’s Nest Custody Agreement

 Posted on August 11, 2013 in Family Law


In order to fully implement a bird’s nest custody, you need to understand what implications it poses. This type of arrangement is where the parents center their decisions around their children, and not the other way round. What this means is that in the event of divorce, the children will not move with either of the parents, but will continue to reside in the same place, while the parents will alternate homes to care for the children. A compassionate DuPage County divorce attorney can take time to make you understand the implications of this type of arrangement that include making several important decisions, such as where each parent will live when they are not with the children. One cannot go far from the children; otherwise they will not be able to effectively play their role in the arrangement.

Since the children are the focus of the bird’s nest arrangement, the parents, being adults, see themselves through the trials of the divorce. This type of arrangement is recommended for parents who have equal custody of their children.

Remember that costs will be higher for both of you, and you need to ensure that you are fit financially before starting and agreeing to the bird’s nest arrangement. This goes without saying that there needs to be openness between your ex- partner and you, concerning all aspects of your new life, so that misunderstandings do not crop up. The children should not be left out of the discussion either, and need to be informed of the new development. In order to ensure that everything goes smoothly, you need to come up with guidelines together to govern the several events that will definitely crop up like birthdays, anniversaries, and the like.

In order to fully understand the legal implications of this arrangement, you need to seek legal advice from a devoted family lawyer. Feel free to contact us to talk to a qualified Illinois divorce lawyer to learn more.

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