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What Should I Do If My Spouse Has Served Me With Divorce Papers?

 Posted on October 04, 2022 in Family Law

Illinois divorce lawyerYou may have been surprised when your spouse served you with divorce papers, but now it is time to take action. Regardless of how you feel about divorce - whether you want it or not - the way you respond to the initial divorce papers will have a major impact on how the rest of the process goes for you. Here are some steps to take if you need to respond to divorce papers in Illinois.

Take a Moment to Think it Through

It can be tempting to react right away to bad news by getting angry, calling your spouse, or responding to the divorce papers with hostile demands. Even if you think your spouse has been totally unreasonable, take a moment to think through the situation before you do anything else. Do not contact your spouse. Do not post about the situation on social media. Do not talk to your kids about it. It is essential to keep a level head and act from a place of rationality.

Find Out When You Need to Respond

The divorce papers will have a date on which you need to respond to the initial filing. This is usually 30 days from your receipt of the papers. You may choose not to respond, but that will not stop the divorce from going through; instead, without a response from you, your spouse will likely be granted the things they are asking for.

Think About What You Want

Assume that the divorce is going to be finalized at some point, whether you like it or not. If you must get divorced, think about what you want to get out of the divorce. What are your financial priorities? What arrangement do you want with your children? Is it reasonable for you to anticipate paying or receiving spousal support? Then begin thinking about what your life might look like after divorce. You may need to find somewhere else to live, downsize your lifestyle for a while, or move to be closer to your family.

Start Getting Documents Together

So much of divorce is collecting and trading information back and forth between you and your spouse or your attorneys. You will need to have documentation proving your income, your asset portfolio, your health insurance, and your debt. The sooner you can do this, the smoother and faster your divorce will go. Again, holding out on information will not prevent the divorce from being finalized and could seriously backfire on your goals, so be transparent and try to move quickly.

Call a Lombard, IL Divorce Attorney Right Away

If your spouse has served you with divorce papers, meet with an experienced Illinois divorce attorney as soon as possible. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we offer free consultations so you can learn more about your options and how we would approach your case. Call us today at 630-932-9100.

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