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What Should Parents Know Before Relocating After an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on November 19, 2019 in Family Law

Lombard child relocation attorney

The moment a couple decides to end their marriage, both spouses may face what feels like an endless list of challenges, especially if children are involved. Divorcing parents must address an entirely new set of concerns as they begin to navigate through different family structures and dynamics after the separation. Moving through the divorce process with children in the picture can be especially daunting, even for parents who are able to interact on a positive and productive level. The range of emotions experienced can be amplified in the wake of additional changes, such as relocation after the divorce.

Relieving Children’s Stress

No matter how amicable the decision to separate may be, it is inevitable for everyone involved to feel saddened by the dissolution of their family unit to some degree. For children who are used to living in the same home with both parents, it can be difficult for them to suddenly move. Deciding to relocate as a newly divorced parent is far from easy, but under certain circumstances, it may be necessary. Psychology experts report that the negative effects of divorce on children can be limited, depending on the other factors that are involved. Research shows that parents have the power to limit the extent of psychological harm to their kids after the divorce by choosing words and actions that support their children’s best interests.

Points to Keep in Mind When Relocating

Before a parent relocates after a divorce, it is important for him or her to think about how the move can affect his or her children. Regardless of the reasons for the move, a parent should consider the following:

  • Communication is key. Experts emphasize that talking to your children about their new living arrangements can help them feel safe. Allowing children to express their feelings about moving can assure them that their voice is heard and their feelings are respected.

  • Children may want to please their parents. This “approval” is often prevalent with the parent who has the majority of the parenting time. The stress related to a change of residence can be very intense, especially for younger children. Although siblings may express that they are happy with the new living arrangements, they are likely anxious about the changes, too.

  • A written notice of the relocation is required. If a parent was granted the majority of parenting time or shares equal parenting time with their former spouse, Illinois state law requires him or her to receive approval from the court before relocating with his or her children. The parent must provide 60 days’ written notice of the intention to move to the other parent, and a copy of the notice must be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The notice must include the date of the relocation, the length of time the move will last, and the full address of the new residence. When determining whether to grant approval for the move, the Court will consider a number of factors to ensure that the relocation is in the children's best interests.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Attorney

If you want to ensure that your plans to relocate are executed properly with your children’s best interests in mind, or if you have any concerns about how your ex-spouse's relocation plans will affect your relationship with your children, it is important to speak with a qualified Bloomingdale child relocation lawyer. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, our team understands divorce and relocation, and we can help you protect your parental rights in a court of law. To schedule a free consultation, contact our office today at 630-932-9100.

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