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What to do if you Have Been Raped

 Posted on April 14, 2013 in Personal Injury

A traumatizing event can make you unclear which direction to go. It might seem like there is no way to move forward. Rape is a very confusing time and can make you feel like there is no way to get justice. Knowing what to do and what your rights are is extremely important. Taking care of yourself and knowing the legalities will allow you to get justice in your case. A personal injury attorney can help you to obtain the compensation that you deserve. First and foremost, make sure you are safe. Whether it be moving from your home if your spouse is the perpetrator or going to a friend or family home if it is someone outside of your home, make sure you are safe. You do not want to be around the perpetrator by any means. When you are safe, contact 911, a rape crisis helpline or RAINN (1-800-654-HOPE) for the support and guidance you will need. They can simply give you advice, to accompanying you to the hospital or police if you need it. The help you seek will guide you to make sure to take the next necessary steps. Though you might feel absolutely horrible and want to get clean again, do NOT take a shower, bathe, douche, brush your teeth, drink anything, change your clothes, wash your hands, or urinate as that could easily get rid of much needed evidence such as sperm, saliva, fibers and hair. Go to your nearest hospital to get a rape victim kit done to collect evidence and help with any injuries. Know that after life-threatening situations, rape victims are next in line in emergency room procedures. It is not mandated but highly recommended to talk to the police and give them an account of what happened. If you do decide to press charges or seek the perpetrator, giving a report to the police will give your legal team the best information to work hard for your case. Remember that this situation is not your fault and seek counseling to find healing. If you want to press charges seek a lawyer from the Lombard area familiar with rape cases who will fight for justice and be compassionate to your situation.
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