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What You Need to Know When Preparing for Divorce Mediation

 Posted on July 20, 2023 in Family Law

Lombard Divorce LawyersGetting a divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining process. As you prepare to end your marriage, you may be worried that your case will involve heated battles in the courtroom and ongoing arguments with your spouse. However, there are alternatives to divorce litigation that can help you and your spouse resolve your differences more amicably and efficiently. One such alternative is divorce mediation. This form of alternative dispute resolution is often used by divorcing couples, and it will allow you and your spouse to work together with the help of a neutral third party to reach mutually agreeable solutions. If you are considering divorce mediation, here are some important things you need to know:

1. Understand the Role of the Mediator

The mediator is a neutral facilitator who helps guide conversations and ensures that both parties have an opportunity to express their concerns and needs. It is important to understand that the mediator does not make decisions for you or provide legal advice. Their role is to help facilitate communication and assist in finding common ground. Ultimately, they will work to ensure that you can discuss issues productively while minimizing conflict and guiding you toward solutions that will be acceptable for both of you.

2. Choose the Right Mediator

When selecting a mediator, it is crucial to find someone experienced in family law and regularly assists couples going through divorce. Look for a mediator knowledgeable about Illinois laws that will play a role in your divorce. A skilled mediator can help you navigate the complexities of the divorce process and ensure that the decisions you make will be in line with the laws that address issues such as property division, child custody, and child support.

3. Prepare Financial Documents

Before beginning mediation, gathering all relevant financial information that may play a role in your decisions is important. These documents may include bank statements, tax returns, pay stubs, and any other information that clearly shows your financial situation. Having these documents readily available will help facilitate discussions about property division, spousal support, and child support.

4. Identify Your Goals and Priorities

Take some time to reflect on the outcome you are looking to achieve in your divorce settlement. What are the most important issues for you? Do you want to maintain a strong relationship with your children? Are you looking to ensure financial stability after your marriage has been dissolved? By identifying and prioritizing your goals, you can better advocate for your needs and desires during the mediation process.

5. Keep Your Emotions in Check

Divorce can be an emotional rollercoaster, but it is important to manage your emotions as you proceed with the mediation process. Emotions such as anger, betrayal, or guilt can cloud your judgment and hinder productive communication. Remember that mediation is a problem-solving process, and rather than getting caught up in what happened in the past, you will want to focus on finding solutions that will meet your needs in the future. By approaching mediation with a calm and rational mindset, you can achieve better outcomes and be prepared for success after finalizing your divorce.

6. Be Open to Compromise

Mediation is all about finding common ground and creating mutually agreeable solutions. It requires a willingness to compromise and consider your spouse’s perspective on matters. Be open to exploring different options, and be prepared to make concessions in order to reach a fair and equitable settlement. By doing so, you can achieve an outcome that both you and your spouse will be satisfied with.

7. Consult with an Attorney

While the mediator can provide valuable guidance throughout the process, it is still important to consult with an attorney who is experienced in family law. Your lawyer can advise you of your rights and the options for resolving outstanding issues, helping you determine the best approach to take during negotiations. They can also review any proposed agreements to ensure that your rights are protected and that the final settlement is fair and provides for your best interests.

8. Focus on the Best Interests of Your Children

If you have children, it is crucial to keep their best interests in mind throughout the mediation process. Focus on creating a parenting plan that promotes their well-being and allows for a healthy co-parenting relationship. Remember that children will benefit when both parents are actively involved in their lives.

9. Take Your Time

Divorce mediation is not a race. It is important to carefully consider each decision you make. Rushing through the process can lead to regrets later on. Take the time to fully understand the implications of each agreement and consult with professionals as needed.

Contact Our Lombard Divorce Lawyers

If you are planning to use mediation during your divorce, our experienced team at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices is here to help. We understand the complexities of divorce, and we can provide legal guidance on how to resolve the outstanding issues in your case. We will discuss your case with you and provide the information you need to make informed decisions. We can also advocate on your behalf during your divorce in any legal proceedings that will be required, and we will help you take the correct steps to achieve your goals. Contact our DuPage County divorce attorneys at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can assist you. 

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