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Winter Weather Greatly Increases the Risk of a Slip and Fall Injury

 Posted on March 16, 2017 in Personal Injury

slip-and-fall-injury-DuPage-County.jpgAlthough a slip and fall injury can occur at almost any time of the year, winter can be an especially busy season for emergency room doctors. Often, this is because the dropping temperatures create more ice and snow in parking lots, on sidewalks, and in entrance and exit areas. Learn what you can do to avoid injury, and how to protect rights, should a slip and fall happen to you or someone you love when winter weather strikes.

Give Yourself Extra Time

Whether you are headed to the office, off to a doctor’s appointment, or simply out running errands, it is always a good idea to give yourself extra time during the winter season. This makes you less likely to rush and more likely to see patches of ice or debris that might be covering icy surfaces. Going slower also decreases your risk of experiencing a severe injury, should you end up missing a patch of ice or slick snow.

Take Extra Care in the Early Morning and Late Evening

Early morning and late evening are the times when temperatures drop. The result is an increased chance of experiencing ice or snow. Also, as you are leaving buildings—perhaps after the sun has started to set—remember that an area that was previously cleared could be iced over with the lower temperatures. Go slower and be more aware of the area around you.

Wear Proper Footwear

Proper footwear might not prevent every slip and fall injury, but it can decrease your overall risk. This may be especially true for those that must wear formal shoes, either for work or an event. These are best placed on your feet once you are inside. Sneakers that do not have tread may also lack the proper traction. Opt for winter boots or an overshoe that can be placed over a pair of sneakers instead.

Always Try to Roll With the Fall

Regardless of the lengths you go to prevent a slip and fall injury, accidents can and do still happen. If one should happen to you, it is important that you attempt to roll with the fall, rather than fight against it. This can reduce your risk of a serious injury, such as a broken bone or traumatic brain injury. Of course, you should always see a physician, even if you do not believe you were seriously injured. This can be critical if you start to experience complications later on.

Obtaining Compensation for a Slip and Fall Injury

If you or someone you love has fallen because the owner of a parking lot, entryway, exit, stairway, or sidewalk failed to maintain it, you may be owed compensation for your injuries. Contact the DuPage County personal injury lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We can evaluate your case, protect your rights, and help you fight for the settlement you deserve.

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