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Pursuing Child Support for a Special Needs Child – What Every Parent Should Know

 Posted on October 25, 2017 in Family Law

Illinois child support lawyersChild support can be a sensitive and complex matter, regardless of the child’s age or developmental stage. Yet, when dealing with special needs children, the stakes are often higher. If you are planning on pursuing support for a child with special needs, or if you expect that a case may soon be brought against you, the following information can help you better understand the laws in Illinois. You shall also learn how an experienced family law attorney can assist with your case, and why hiring one could be crucial to the outcome of your child support case.

Illinois Child Support Basics

When determining the amount of support that a parent is supposed to pay, the courts first examine the combined income of both parents. This information is then used to determine the amount of support that is needed for the child. The courts then examine the net income of each parent to determine what their share of the support should be. Parenting time may also be factored into the equation at this point, but this is typically only done when each of the parents has the child(ren) for at least 146 nights out of the year. Otherwise, the deduction may not apply.

Special Needs and Child Support

To help ensure that they receive the care and treatment they need, Illinois has special provisions in their laws for special needs children. For example, parents of children with special needs may request additional funding to pay for condition-specific therapies, treatments, and equipment. Sadly, some parents may not be aware that such provisions exist, or they may be misinformed about which expenses they can claim. As a result, they may overlook certain expenses while filling out their forms and lose some of the support that they would have otherwise been entitled to receive. That loss could ultimately impact both child and parent.

On the other side of things, paying parents may not realize that there are special provisions for children that require extra care or treatment, and they may be caught off-guard when they hear the amount of support that they are being asked to pay. Many also fail to recognize that they can challenge the expenses, especially if they believe that some of them have been inflated or falsified. An experienced family law attorney can help in these situations, as well as many others.

Contact Our DuPage County Family Law Attorneys

If you have a child with special needs and are in the process of pursuing child support, or if you believe that a child support order may soon be filed against you, contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices for assistance with your case. Our seasoned DuPage County family law attorneys can represent your needs and preserve your child’s best interest with skill and experience. No matter what the situation, we pursue the most favorable outcome. Start today by scheduling a free and personalized consultation. Call 630-932-9100.

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