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Sharing Summer Holidays With Your Co-Parent After Divorce

 Posted on July 02, 2021 in Family Law

dupage county child custody lawyerAn often-overlooked challenge for families who have been through a divorce is adjusting their holiday celebrations. Holidays after a divorce can be emotionally difficult, as they may be a reminder of happier times. They can also be logistically difficult, as parents must decide how to allocate time and arrange for exchanges and transportation fairly.

Summer holidays like the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and Labor Day may not carry as much importance as other holidays throughout the year, but they are still valuable times for parents and children to enjoy each other’s company. With this in mind, you should consider what you can do to make sure the summer holidays are still enjoyable for the whole family.

Create a Solid Parenting Plan

A parenting plan should not only include a regular parenting time schedule throughout the year, but also specific considerations for holidays. Illinois provides a statewide form to guide parents in the creation of a parenting plan, and this form offers various options for sharing the holidays. You and your co-parent may decide to alternate certain holidays every other year, or you may wish to create a more customized arrangement. For example, your plan could stipulate that one parent has the kids from Friday evening through Sunday morning of the Fourth of July weekend, while the other parent has the kids during the day on Sunday and into Monday.

Commit to Timely Exchanges

Whatever your parenting time schedule says about the summer holidays, you should make every effort to ensure on-time exchanges when your parenting time ends and the other parent’s time begins. Unexpected delays can interfere with travel and celebration plans, and this can lead to frustration between co-parents that can grow into resentment and more serious conflict. When you respect your co-parent’s time and plans, they may be more likely to do the same for you.

Understand the Importance of Communication and Flexibility

Some years, you may have summer holiday plans that deviate from your usual parenting time schedule or that make it difficult for you to drop off or pick up your children as planned. This does not have to be a serious problem, provided that you communicate with your co-parent and let them know what to expect. If both of you are willing to be flexible, you can usually work out an arrangement that still makes both of you happy and gives you the time you want with your kids.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

Parents have many important details to consider during the divorce process, and at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we can help you create a parenting plan that allows for a positive co-parenting relationship. We can also help you with any disputes between you and your co-parent in the years after your divorce. For a free consultation, contact our Lombard, IL family law attorneys today at 630-932-9100.

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