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Man Charged with Class 4 Felony After DUI Crash

 Posted on August 20, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Woodstock Man Charged In Teen Death Incident

 Posted on August 17, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Could A Friend's Divorce Lead To Yours?

 Posted on August 16, 2012 in Family Law

There was an article in the Huffington Post divorce section about how much a friend's divorce can affect your marriage. It is easy to think that divorce only affects the people directly involved it, but that is not entirely true. Anyone who is around you during the time of your divorce can be affected by it. It works the other way around too.

is divorce contagious? imageFor example, your friend tells you she's getting a divorce. She and her husband have always seemed like the perfect couple, so the news surprises you. You are worried about how things will turn out for your friend and her children, so you start to reflect on your own relationship and the issues you have had in your marriage.

Especially, if your circle of friends has recently had many divorces, you might start to feel like you are inevitably headed for one too. This kind of an idea might eventually lead to a divorce if a person feels that all the signs are eminent in their own marriage.

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Chicago Ridge Man Dies After Crashing Into Tree

 Posted on August 14, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Child Custody and Gender Bias

 Posted on August 12, 2012 in Family Law

Cutting Family In Half GraphicThere is a saying that justice is blind, yet that may not be the case for family law. Judges have a lot of opportunity for gender bias in divorce and child custody cases. Women are expected to be more nurturing due to their role in birthing and rearing children. That often translates to men having to spend more time, money and effort to prove that they are good parents as well.

In child custody cases, the court is required to decide for the best interests of the children. Back in the late 19th century there was a “Tender Years Doctrine” enacted to settle custody cases. It stated that for children that are 13 years old and younger, there best interests are served in the custody of their mothers. This has supposedly been changed for the more equal “Best Interests of the Child” doctrine, yet that change was only made in 1989.

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Over Two Dozen Injured And At Least One Killed In Megabus Crash

 Posted on August 11, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Dealing with Debt in a Divorce

 Posted on August 08, 2012 in Family Law

Crumpling up DebtIn divorce proceedings many things are split between former spouses. Property, money, and children are things that ex-spouses have a tendency to fight about who will receive what. But whatever about things that aren’t so nice, such as debt. When you have agreed for better or for worse, you are responsible for some of the debt your spouse has acquired. To protect yourself from being responsible for an unfair amount of debt there are steps you can take.

Attaining your individual credit report is very important before you divorce your partner. All three credit bureaus will be able to tell you about you and your spouse’s credit activity. It may not be a pretty realization, but it will give you a touchstone for how much work is left to do. In the interest of re-establishing your own credit in only your name, open up an account (checking, savings, credit, or brokerage). This will be integral to the next stage in your life.

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Cyclist Dies After Collision With Truck

 Posted on August 07, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Chicago to pay $3.25 Million to Family of Girl Killed by Car

 Posted on August 04, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Chicago to Compensate Family for Death of Daughter

 Posted on August 01, 2012 in Personal Injury

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