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Studies Confirm: Almost Every Second Marriage Ends in Divorce
According to an article in the Time Magazine, there is some truth to the saying that “50% of all marriages end in divorce.” However, this figure is not entirely truthful. First of all, it’s not easy to figure out divorce rates. Marital data is not collected in all states, and there are a lot of numerical differences between studies. The author of a marriage guide book and a New York Times reporter, Tara Parker-Pope, also casts doubt on the popular claim. She claims that marital stability appears to be improving every decade. For instance, in the 1970’s, 23% of college graduates who got married divorced within 10 years. Twenty years later, the rate dropped by 7 percentage points.
Another source suggests that divorce rates are age-dependent. In the 80’s, 81% of college graduates who were 26 or older and got married in that decade had not divorced after 20 years of marriage. 35% of college graduates who were younger than 26 at the time of their marriage divorced within 20 years.
Illinois Trucker Charged in Nine Felony Counts Related to Roadside Nebraska Crash
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Illinois Traffic Deaths on the Rise in 2012 Despite IDOT Efforts
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Paternity Frauds Common Enough to Warrant Concern
It used to be that almost anything other than holding hands was strictly forbidden before marriage. However, in today’s western societies, it’s quite normal to become engaged in sexual relationships long before marriage is even considered. Television is dominated by reality shows where young singles pursue all kinds of relationships, and tabloids are full of stories about celebrities who switch partners more often than they change their underwear. In today's culture, it’s not always clear who the biological parents of a child are. This presents many legal problems, for example, child support, custody, and paternity issues. Some cases have been reported over the years where the mother of a child has lied about who her child’s biological father is and tried to get child support payments from another man who she claims is the bio-dad. According to one study, paternal discrepancy (i.e. a child is identified as being biologically fathered by someone other than the man who believes he is the father) rates “vary between studies from 0.8% to 30%.” Luckily, a paternity test can be taken to set the records straight.
Former Illinois Trooper Denied Bid to Reinstate Driver's License
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Blown Tire of Megabus Likely Cause for Death in Illinois Bus Crash
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Woman Dies, Child Injured in Medical Village Crash
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What is a Joint Simplified Dissolution of Marriage?
In Illinois there is an option for people who want a quicker and easier divorce, it is called a joint simplified dissolution of marriage. The law in Illinois has set this procedure for people who have no children and little to no assets. It is a divorce which must be agreed upon by both parties because it is a joint petition. Both sides will need to go to court together and file for the divorce. Before it seems too easy to do, there are certain requirements which must be met in order to file for a joint simplified dissolution of marriage.
There is an Illinois residency requirement for both parties. Either spouse must have lived in Illinois for at least 90 days, which can include being stationed there by the military. But the two sides can’t live together during that time. Separate living arrangements must be kept for at least 6 months in order to qualify for this kind of divorce. The marriage will be childless and not last longer than eight years. There are also qualifications which must be met as to the assets that are held by the married couple before they split.
CPD Detective Found Guilty in 2009 Crash
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The Difference Between Marital and Non-Marital Property
Divorce is never an easy process, but it is important to know what it entails even if you never experience it. In the process of divorce, there are various topics which must be settled, either by the court or through an agreement between the two parties looking to divorce. Such topics include child custody, child support and division of property. To truly understand the last topic, division of property, it is important to know how a court looks at property during a divorce.
Illinois has two classifications of property according to their law. Marital property would be the assets that are divided between the two parties who are divorcing. These assets are generally obtained during the years of marriage. They can include real estate, cars, bank accounts and other assets or property regardless of how the title or the deed is held. Yet there are certain exceptions to this determination.